Sunday, August 9, 2009


A lovely day .... oh , I woke up still hungover.. the need for fresh air and sunshine first on my priority list.
Friends , much like family ... some leaving , some staying , some new....
Still , beauty was in abundance today... children , laughter , nature and ofcourse food. It feels great to break away from reality sometimes... but what is this reality we refer to ...
Freedom is the ability to choose one's chains.. this all in the mind story intrigues me.. majorly , yes that seems why I studied psychology...perhaps it has to do with my obsession with the mind...
the other day my learning was that I cannot interpret or understand for other people... even though I think I can..yes ,I do think I can and NO , I am not psychic... a little bit psycho sometimes yeah ;)

What is wrong with being different ??? or eccentric , they say.. I am Aquarius ...I was born that way ...

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